Blog Articles

The Creative Power of Simply Being
Even when we choose not to contribute, we are NOT not contributing. Whole Systems Thinking teaches us that simply by observing a ‘system’ we change it. As humans we are inherently creative beings. From the moment that the sperm meets egg we being to alter things – before consciousness we have an impact and create new ways of thinking and being.

Finding the Space to Heal
Over the past few weeks, Gil, Anita and I have been having many in depth conversations on what we want to accomplish with Spacious Complexity; how we want to serve others and how we will grow and be with each other as we build this work together.

The NEED Driving the Innovation
In our collective years of corporate life we, the creators of this material, have had the privilege of meeting and befriending amazing, talented people in a broad variety of leadership circumstances. In our consulting careers we continue to have the joy of meeting and working with high functioning individuals and teams. Skilled leaders with vision, commitment and business acumen.

Vulnerable Organisations – Successful Organisations
If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist. Brené Brown is a researcher who believed this to be true. In our organisations we have many who hold to this maxim. Yet, on another level, we know that there are things – messy, intangible things – that can’t be measured…at least not quantitatively.

What is our Global Footprint?
How much thought do you give to the footprint you leave? In your family? Your circle of friends? Your business or place of work? Your community? What about the footprint we leave as an organisation or a country? Ease of global travel and trade, whether actual travel by car or plane or virtual (via the internet), means that we leave our footprint in places we may not even think about.

Thought Provoking TED Talk
I found this TED TALK on The Danger of a Single Story very thought provoking. I wonder what single stories we live with that give us myopic vision in our lives and our organisations?