Spacious Complexity: Wisdom Beyond Logic

How many of you, who are responsible for delivering outstanding business results, take pride in your ability to navigate the complexities of the market and achieve those results?

How effective are your skills and behaviors in maneuvering through the uncertainties of team dynamics, shifting priorities, and market challenges?

The Spacious Complexity experience offers a process and coaching that will help you discover your internal compass and external support systems, creating clear pathways for improved performance with reduced effort and stress. It is a thought-provoking process rather than one that provides ready-made answers. It ensures that you find the right answers for yourself instead of receiving them pre-digested.

Organizations can be complex mazes with many turns, dead ends, quick routes and choices. The best path to reach your destination is rarely a straight line…

The key to being successful in navigating complex organizations is easily and successfully finding your way through the maze to your goal.

The best way to do that is to embrace the complexity and ambiguity of organizations, rather than resisting them, and to become a “maze-bright” person.” (FYI For Your Improvement, Lombardo & Eichinger, 236)

Being a “maze bright” person requires that you tune into and utilize the “forces” introduced in Spacious Complexity, such as Invisibility, Continuum, Belonging, Choice, Reciprocity, and Creativity. These forces provide valuable support in becoming adept at handling complexity:

Invisibility: Similar to how thermals enable a skydiver to soar or crash into a cliff, there are always invisible forces at play behind every visible response or action. While you cannot see the thermals, you can learn to read them. The same is true for the invisible forces at play within your organization, and learning to “read” them will mean the difference between initiates flying or dying.

Continuum: Recognising that, outside of a few scientific disciplines, like engineering and mathematics, there is never only “one best answer”. Rather, everything exists on a continuum, with dysfunction at the extremes and a series of contextually dependent best solutions or approaches in between.

Reciprocity: Understanding and experiencing the complex dynamics of the give-and-take of reciprocity, allowing the positive impact of reciprocity to naturally emerge in collaboratively building solutions to complex issues.

Creativity: Utilizing deep listening and understanding to ignite and allow the contributions and creative abilities of individuals and teams throughout the organization.

Belonging: Building relationships with others that go beyond getting tasks done, accessing a higher sense of commitment, contribution, fulfillment, and purpose.

Choice: Realizing and harnessing the power of individual choice to create new business realities and successes. Invisibility and Continuum provide the context in which these forces live, influence, and impact both you and the business world.

While each force can be seen as independent, it is the invisibility and complexity of their dynamic interactions, along with the leader’s ability to access their natural power that underpins the concept of Spacious Complexity.

By tapping into the wisdom and power of these forces within the context of your current challenges or problems, you can create internal spaciousness and breathing room to navigate the myriad of decisions, options, and roadblocks in today’s business world.

Accessing these natural forces grants you the gift of increased clarity and wisdom, along with an enhanced competence in managing both complexity and ambiguity.

We encourage you to start noticing where the forces of Spacious Complexity manifest in your environment and experiment with demonstrating their impact for yourself

For more information on why we developed this program, please refer to our blog post: The NEED Driving the Innovation