The Energy Toll of Competent Jerks

In the vast expanse of business history, no great achievement stands solely on the shoulders of one person. From the iconic leadership of Steve Jobs at Apple to Bill Gates at Microsoft, Elon Musk at Tesla, Sara Blakely at Spanx, Oprah Winfrey, and Anita Roddick at The Body Shop, each success story is a tapestry woven with the contributions of numerous talented and dedicated individuals.

While the visionary leadership of these individuals is undeniable, their companies’ successes are equally attributable to the hundreds or thousands of team members whose hard work and talent fueled the growth and innovation necessary for such achievements. Some team members were exceptionally competent, others less so, and among them were individuals whose personality traits ranged from the lovable to the disagreeable.

Both competence and likability significantly contribute to or detract from a team’s success.  A company’s success comes from not only the success of individuals, or even individual teams, but also from how well they work together.

Building a Culture That Attracts and Retains Talent

In building a successful company, evaluating how your systems and culture attract and retain employees is crucial.

Working with incompetent individuals is universally acknowledged as frustrating and draining. However, the
often-overlooked challenge is the toll that working with a “competent jerk” can have on a team.

Our expertise in leadership and team development frequently brings us into environments where “jerks” are tolerated, even allowed to thrive, imposing a massive cost on both the business and the people in it.

Left unchecked, those behaviours penetrate the culture as tolerated, permitted or even encouraged. This has a major impact in creating a toxic culture that not only drains those who work there but also make it harder and harder to attract new talent. 
I’m sure we all know companies we warn our friends against working for simply because of their toxic culture. 

The High Cost of Toxic Cultures

Many results-focused leaders may dismiss the concern about competent jerks as being “bleeding heart” or “out of touch with reality.” However, the reality we encounter is that unchecked toxic behavior leads to a negative culture that severely impacts the organization’s health and performance. The good news is that with the right support from senior leadership, we can help turn these situations around, though not all stories end happily.

A useful metaphor is to compare toxic cultures to high-altitude climbing. 

Impact of Altitude on Performance:

Research has shown that athletes can experience a reduction in their exercise capacity of up to 10% for every 1000 meters above sea level after about 3000 feet. The lack of oxygen over 5,500m (18,000ft) can cause world class athletes to climb at a pace of 1 step for every 15 breaths. An extended stay in the death zone without supplementary oxygen will result in deterioration of bodily functions, loss of consciousness, and, ultimately, death.

The greater the toxicity of the culture (or the higher the altitude), the more it limits performance.  Initially, the impact of tolerating the toxic behaviour of jerks (or from anyone) doesn’t have a very noticeable impact however, if left unchecked, it spreads and the greater the toxicity the more it limits people’s ability to perform, potentially leading to a “death zone”, where talented team members either give up, leave, or become part of the problem.

Consider one company we worked with: The CEO’s abrasive, divisive leadership style resulted in protectionism, infighting and distrust resulting in the loss of 30 to 40% of the senior leadership’s productivity. Even with a very conservative earning estimate of $200,000 a year each for 7 leaders, the financial cost of their salaries alone is between $420,000 and $560,000 annually.

Beyond this financial cost lies the immense opportunity cost of diminished innovation and collaboration. The organization’s rapid growth and great product are overshadowed by a leadership culture that saps energy and innovation due to a few unchecked individuals.

Toxic behaviors, if left unchecked, can erode even the most promising organizations. Our Detoxing Work Environments Program is designed to help you identify and address these issues, turning tension and distrust into collaboration and engagement. Explore how you can revitalize your workplace culture today:

The Importance of Valuing Relational Ability

Imagine the potential unlocked if technical competence and the ability to work effectively with others were equally valued.

In environments where weekly meetings resemble battlefields, leaders focus more on self-preservation than on achieving optimal outcomes. This results in stifled creativity and a reluctance to challenge or propose ideas, creating an unsafe environment.

Unfortunately, in this particular case study, the CEO chose to ignore advice and continued his established patterns, at great cost to himself, his company, and all his employees. Despite being talented and passionate, his refusal to invest in his development or shift the negative culture limits both his and his company’s potential. Whether at this company or his next, the choice to remain blind to his impact will see him continue to be a negative vortex that drains energy required for success.

Building a successful company requires more than just individual brilliance—it demands cohesive, collaborative teams working towards a shared vision. Our Systemic Team Coaching Blog offers insights into how you can transform your teams from within, fostering a culture of mutual respect and shared success. Read more here:

The Gold Standard in Leadership Development

Recruiting and equipping leaders with both technical and relational abilities is the gold standard in leadership development. Ignoring this balance comes at a high cost to business results and the well-being of those within the organization. If you remain skeptical, consider the insights from the classic Harvard Business Review article, Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks, which underscores the critical balance between competence and likability in the workplace.

At Advantage Management Consulting we are dedicated to helping organizations navigate these challenges, fostering leadership environments that harness the full potential of every individual. Join us as we guide you toward building a thriving, inclusive, and innovative workplace culture.