Establish your Coaching Culture,
One Confident, Agile Leader at a time.

9 months

$4,065.00 per participant

Register by January 9th 2024

Knowledge can be gained in an instant.

Behaviour changes over time.

The Coaching Skills Program for Leaders

CS4L is not about teaching you what a good leader looks like or what is required of you to become one-you already know this.

This program will radically transform your leadership and teams by leveraging one or two fundamental behavioural shifts. You will experience more engagement, ownership and accountability from yourself and your team which will free up more of your time and expertise for your own role.

Organizations with higher levels of engagement have 27% higher profits, 38% higher productivity and 50% higher customer loyalty.

CS4L is a public offering to increase the richness and breadth of experience from which you can learn in session AND so that it is more accessible.

CS4L is a virtual offering rendering it both time and cost effective for in person and remote workers alike.

Program Components

7 Facilitated Sessions
6 Peer Learning Group Sessions
6 Monthly Peer Coaching Triads

“Coaching is a way of being, not a skill that can’t be layered onto old beliefs about having all the answers”

-Program Graduate

Upcoming Cohort: Register by Jan 9th 2024

CS4L Course Outline

Phase 1: Awareness and unlearning of barriers to effective coaching skills

Session 1: Introduction

Key Learnings

  1. Introduction to each other and expectations
  2. What to expect in terms of rhythm and processes
  3. Clarify role of each of the components
  4. Barriers and benefits of behaviour vs knowledge learning processes
  5. Establish cohort commitments


Individual Field Work (30-40 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Session 2: What Got us Here Won’t Get Us There

Key Learnings

  1. How/Where coaching skills fit in Leadership Management
  2. Increasing self-awareness of how existing beliefs and style shape how you actually lead
  3. Behaviours of Good, Bad and Mediocre leaders
  4. Under what circumstances am I least aware of my leadership presence?
  5. Or what are circumstances inadvertently take me out of my “best” leadership presence?


Individual Field Work (60 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Session 3: It’s Not Just a Strategy, It’s a Way of Being

Key Learnings

  1. Shift in “being” has to precede a shift in “doing” for coaching to work
  2. 3 critical components of Trust, Belief in the Person and Authenticity
  3. Comfort Learning, Panic and balance of Safety and Challenge
  4. Beginning to understand what coaching is and isn’t


Individual Field Work (60 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Phase 2: Building an understanding of the fundamentals and learning the tools for effectiveness in coaching skills

Session 4: Introduction to Coaching Tools

Key Learnings

  1. Different Contexts of coaching – what is different in how coaching skills are used, limitations and value of each
  2. Coaching Fundamentals- 6 Underlying principles – the way of being
  3. Coaching Fundamentals – 1st 5 Coaching Tools


Individual Field Work (70-90 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Session 5: Trust

Key Learnings

  1. The importance of cultivating organizational trust, and who goes first
  2. Tools for mining for respect and developing relationships of trust
  3. Bottom Lining for deeper communication and understanding


Individual Field Work (60-90 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Session 6: Tools & Context for Coaching

Key Learnings

  1. Discover more coaching tools
  2. Contextualize your leadership
  3. Psychological Contract
  4. Unlocking Resistance


Individual Field Work (70-90 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (90 min)

Reflection Summary

Phase 3: Establishing the structure for skill development, PRACTICE, and implementation

Session 7: Prepare for Peer Coaching Session

Key Learnings

  1. Self-Leadership and anchoring learning
  2. Establishing the foundations for your transition to Peer Coaching Triads as a structure that supports the shift into full practice mode


Individual Field Work (30-45 min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (120 min- first facilitated Peer Coaching Triads)

Reflection Summary

6 Months of Peer Coaching

Preparing for Peer Coaching Triads


Individual Field Work (30-45min)

Peer Learning Group Field Work (120 min- 1st peer coaching session)

Reflection Summary

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