Team Strengths
3 Half-day Sessions or 6 Virtual Sessions
Pricing dependent on package selection
Deepen your individual and team EQ
Choose one of these two options to elevate self-awareness and leveraging the strengths within your teams.
Throughout these sessions, we provide practical insights which can be used at work and in your day-to-day life.
Strengths Finder
If it is not life-giving to you and those around you…it’s likely not a strength.
A strength is something that you are good at (that comes naturally) and you get energised by. The power that is unleashed when a team strategically structures itself around its strengths will blow your socks off!
This mini-series of sessions starts with the assessment, includes an individual debrief and 3 half-day sessions that enable you to rethink how your team works, leveraging their strengths and accomplish more with less effort.
DISC 3.0
Maximize team and individual effectiveness through discovering your strengths, motivations, and emotional intelligence!
The full package – discover the strengths, motivations, and emotional intelligence that shape team interactions and how to maximise individual and team effectiveness
This program is made up of individual assessments and 3 half days together as a team, each day focuses on understanding and debriefing one of the elements assessed, starting with default wiring, then looking at motivators and finally emotional intelligence areas.
Each element builds on the previous one. You can elect to do 1, 2 or 3 days.
“We learned a lot about ourselves and what we could change and improve in how we allocate our roles.”
Austin – Director